Cabot Cliffs: Cliffs Residences, Halfway Hut and Pro Shop
Located within the breathtaking Cape Breton landscape along the Atlantic Ocean cliffs the buildings at Cabot Cliffs captivate the senses. Composed of precise shingled gable forms the buildings cluster to create intimate courtyards within this expansive rugged setting—each building framing spectacular views of the golf and ocean. The architecture is rooted within the vernacular gabled sheds of Nova Scotia. The silver shingled walls and roofs scatter across this sand dune and fescue grass links golf course, creating places of refuge within this spectacular landscape. Masonry fireplaces punctuate the horizon providing cozy spaces to watch the course while linking earth to the vast sky.


CBCL Limited
BMR Structural Engineering
Jill Greaves Design Inc.
Lindsay Construction
MCW Consultants Ltd.
Outside! Planning & Design Studio
doublespace photography
Could Be The Day